My new book, True Adventures of Muffin the Yorkie is, on the surface very much about the adventures of a very appealing small dog. But woven throughout is the story of a young man who very much wants to keep Muffin but is determined to do the right thing by her.
Amazon allowed two categories for the book. The first, of course,
was "dog." My second choice was "ethics." I wondered if anyone would see
that in it besides me. "Muffin" now has three 5 star reviews. This
third review answered my question:
5.0 out of 5 stars DOING THE RIGHT THING .., May 28, 2013
When I read this true story of Muffin, I found it to be not merely the
adventure of a little dog lost in a big world, but also a story that
inspires. The young hero in the story has to make more than one tough
choice and his true character is revealed by his actions. This is a
wonderful way to introduce young readers to attributes such as kindness,
compassion, respect and integrity. For little ones not yet able to
read, this would be a charming bedtime story.
I've been a writer for a long time but this is the first time I've written what most would consider a children's story. It was written some years ago as a lovely family memory I didn't want to forget. I'm retired now but my career was in publishing and the books I wrote were instructional and training books for clients. But I also wrote many articles through the years for nonprofit organizations, and I've been blogging for awhile. This is my first book published for the general public.
My background covered all aspects of publishing and changed through the years as technology changed. Now the big thing is ePublishing. I was aware of it but didn't know where to start. Author Eddie Smith helped me along through his "Writers Mastermind Membership Group" on Facebook. If you want to learn all about ePublishing, I recommend the group.
# posted by Janell Price @ 5:20 PM
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